20+ Facebook Timeline Covers

Click on the images to enlarge them…

free FB timeline cover
free FB timeline cover
free Facebook cover image
tiger lily
free FB timeline cover
free FB timeline cover image
stripy fabric
free FB timeline cover
the Caribbean
free FB cover image
cream rose
free FB timeline cover
fruit tartlets
free FB timeline cover photo
cantaloupe melon
free FB timeline cover
paper crafts
free FB timeline cover
rice salad
free FB timeline cover
free FB timeline cover
water drop
free FB timeline cover photo
crab’s eye beans
free FB timeline cover
peach seed
free FB timeline cover
mini flowers
free FB timeline cover
Hello Kitty cake
free FB timeline cover
Bermondsey, London
free FB timeline cover
green peas
free FB timeline cover
flower stall
free FB timeline cover

To change the FB cover photo:

  • First click to open and save one of the above images to your computer.
  • Then in your Facebook account go to your profile page -> Change Cover -> Upload photo.
  • Browse and choose previously uploaded image to your computer and then “Save Changes”.

changing FB timeline photo

We will be updating this post with more timeline cover photos shortly, so follow as on Twitter or Facebook to be the first to know.

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